Start with Hello Week is Sandy Hook Promise’s national campaign to celebrate kindness, connection, inclusion, empathy, and belonging.
Meet-n-Greet Monday with Kindness (Spread kindness by meeting someone new.)
“Hey Day”–hello name tags. Write your name on a name tag and wear it all day. Introduce yourself!
Be the “I” in KIND – Wear kindness shirt and uniform bottoms!
Upstander Tuesday (Show appreciation to someone who reaches out and helps others)
Elementary students will get affirmations coins to keep in their desks/pencil boxes
Middle school students will get an affirmation magnet in their lockers.
Wear Green Wednesday (Symbol of unity and solidarity against violence)
“Don’t be Mean – Wear Green” – students will all get a green wrist band
Bingo Game– play as a group or individual class. The goal is to find similarities with classmates.
Students may wear green shirts and uniform bottoms.
Trusted Adult Thursday (Thank an adult for spreading the spirit of unity and tolerance)
Treasure Hunt for Trusted Adults – students can work on the treasure hunt in groups, as a class or as an individual. There will be clues posted throughout campus. Find out some fun facts about the trusted adults who work at our school
Moving Forward Fri-Yay (Keep the spirit going)
“Team up for tolerance” – Wear Sports Team Gear and uniform bottoms.
We are creating a Handprint Tree in EL and MS. Students will each get a “hand” to write their name and attach to the tree
“Start with Hello” Week Dress Down (with Uniform Bottoms).
Monday, Sept. 16: Wear a Kindness Shirt
Wednesday, Sept. 18: Wear a Green Shirt
Friday, Sept. 20: Wear a Sports Shirt
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