1st Grade Students Bring the Animal Kingdom to Life with HMH Literacy Unit
The foundation of this literacy unit was laid with the exploration of non-fiction texts. Ms. Beard and Mrs. Mitsos guided their students through the fascinating realm of animals, teaching them not only about various species but also about the essential elements of non-fiction texts – the text features. Identifying text headings to eye-catching illustrations, these young learners became adept at navigating the informational landscape.
With newfound knowledge in hand, the 1st graders were tasked with selecting an animal of their choice. With the help of their teachers they gathered information about their chosen creatures. Writing down facts about habitats, diets, and unique behaviors.
Then, the students were challenged to step into the shoes – or paws, hooves, or wings – of their chosen animals. They embarked on the creative journey of writing 1st person point of view essays, allowing their imaginations to soar as they brought their animals to life on paper. Each essay reflected a unique perspective, showcasing the diverse personalities of the animal kingdom.
The culmination of this literary expedition was the creation of a Living Zoo. Imagination took center stage as the 1st-grade students transformed into their chosen animals, donning costumes that ranged from fuzzy ears to elaborate wings, turning their classrooms into a vibrant and animated Living Zoo.

Ms. Beard and Mrs. Mitsos’ 1st-grade class didn’t just complete a literacy unit; they embarked on a thrilling adventure through the pages of “Amazing Animals.” From absorbing the intricacies of non-fiction texts to becoming authors and performers in their own Living Zoo, these young scholars not only honed their literacy skills but also developed a deep appreciation for the wonders of the animal kingdom.

Lori McGovern
Instructional Coach
Plato Academy Schools