There is no doubt we live in the age of information! The ability to find and understand information provides the basis for understanding the world, expanding our horizons, developing critical thinking skills and helps us in making decisions.
But while in the past, access to information has only been a privilege for the few who could read and had access to books, we transitioned through the evolution of technology to an age where the amount of information is overwhelming.
Successful citizens will need to be able to navigate this ocean of information, prioritize them, and process the data they collect in order to gain a deeper understanding on a subject, acquire new knowledge/skills and improve as a person.
With this in mind middle school students from Plato Academy of Tarpon Springs with the guidance of their teacher Mr. Andreas Mandelos visited the Clearwater Main Library on Thursday, September 26th.

The friendly library staff taught the class how to perform a basic library search using the online catalog and how to physically locate an item (book or multimedia) based on the code that’s associated with it. To put their knowledge to practice, students formed groups, searched the online database for the appropriate links to items and navigated the aisles deciphering the book codes.
Before their departure the students had the chance to visit the library terrace where they had the chance to enjoy the magnificent view to beautiful Clearwater coast.

Plato Academy would like to thank the staff at Clearwater Main Library for their time, sharing their knowledge, and making our visit such a pleasant experience. More information on the library programs can be found at: